太赫兹时域光谱仪 新势力光电供应太赫兹时域光谱仪(THz time-domain spectrometer),光谱范围0.1-2.5THz,分辨率2GHz。该系列太赫兹时域光谱仪包括:飞秒激光器、太赫兹发生器、太赫兹探测器、延迟线、电子元件、操作软件。 Model Fiber coupled THz time-domain spectrometer THz time-domain spectrometer Application transmission and reflection measurements transmission measurement Main parameters spectral range 0.1 - 2.5THz 0.1 - 2.5THz spectral resolution 2GHz 2GHz S/N-ratio at 0.4 THz 1000 1000 minimum scan time 0.5s 0.5s THz beam diameter 12mm 12mm Components laser excitation femtosecond fiber laser with 1060nm wavelength femtosecond fiber laser with 1060nm wavelength THz emitter module fiber-coupled PCA with THz lens PCA-40-05-10-1060-c-f emitter antenna with THz lens PCA-40-05-10-1060-a-l THz detector module fiber-coupled PCA with THz lens PCA-44-06-10-1060-c-f detector antenna with THz lens PCA-44-06-10-1060-a-l delay line delay line with 1ns time delay delay line with 1ns time delay electronic components pulse generator + lock-in detection pulse generator + lock-in detection software Laptop with spectrometer software T3DS Laptop with spectrometer software T3DS others ** amplifier, DAQ-Board ** amplifier, DAQ device Options sample holder substrate holder with manual XY-movement of 50 mm substrate holder with manual XY-movement of 50 mm lens PTFE-lens including mount and post aspheri silicn substrate lenses, PTFE-lens 相关商品 太赫兹系统 太赫兹光源 太赫兹光谱 太赫兹成像